Returns the name or interface description of an Object
ObjName ( $Objectvariable [,Flag] )
$Objectvariable | A variable containing an Object whose name you want to retrieve |
Flag | 1 = Name of the dispatch interface being used (default) 2 = Description of the (document) Object 3 = The ProgID of the Object 4 = The DLL file from with the Object was created (if supported) 5 = Filename and position of the toolbox icon (if supported) |
Return Value
Success: | Returns a string representing the name |
Failure: | Sets @error and Returns "" |
Not all Objects support flags 2 to 5. Always test for @error in these cases.
IsObj, ObjGet, ObjCreate
$oInternet = ObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
$oInternet.Navigate( "" ) ; Opening a web page that contains a form
sleep(4000) ; Give the page time to load
$oDoc = $oInternet.document ; Example object to test
$oForm = $oDoc.forms(0) ; Example object to test
msgbox(0,"","Interface name of $oInternet is: " & ObjName($oInternet) & @CRLF & _
"Object name of $oInternet is: " & ObjName($oInternet,2) & @CRLF & _
"Interface name of $oDoc is: " & ObjName($oDoc) & @CRLF & _
"Object name of $oDoc is: " & ObjName($oDoc,2) & @CRLF & _
"Interface name of $oForm is: " & ObjName($oForm) & @CRLF & _
"Object name of $oForm is: " & ObjName($oForm,2))